How to turn a child's tooth brushing into fun for it?

How to turn a child's tooth brushing into fun for it?

Created habits, in early childhood, remain for life.

Forming good oral hygiene habits is a way to show your growing child how to take responsibility for their own body. However, this is sometimes easier said than done because the children are motivated mainly by fun and pleasure, not by health and necessity. And no matter what stories you tell them about caries, kids really do not understand why they have to brush their teeth. If you want to put an end to their resistance, it's best to turn the brushing of the teeth into fun for them.

Allow the child to choose the most enjoyable toothpaste and toothbrush

Choosing a brush and toothpaste

Games and fun while the baby is brushing his/her teeth

Play their favorite song to extend the time for brushing.

Praise and encouragement

If the child is older, just let him/her put the paste on the toothbrush and praise him/her. This gives him/her a sense of involvement in the tooth brushing process. Be careful about the amount of paste.

Use the fact that after dinner, children are more alert and willing to spend enough time to brush their teeth. Play their favorite song to extend the time for brushing.

Like Mom and Daddy

Different children react to different tactics, so you may need to experiment.