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Добре дошли в нашата модерна дентална практика!
С внимание към детайла, в комфортна и уютна обстановка връщаме красотата и хармонията на вашата усмивка
Красота и хармония
С внимание и грижа изготвяме индивидуален план на лечение за нашите пациенти от всяка възраст.
С професионализъм, персонално отношение и дългогодишен опит печелим доверието на нашите пациенти.
Благодарим Ви, че избрахте „Давидова Дентал“!
Отнасяме се и лекуваме нашите пациенти точно така, както бихме искали да се отнасят и лекуват нас и нашите семейства – с грижа, разбиране, съпричастност и индивидуален подход. За нас всяка една усмивка има значение!

Our Dental Practice

Давидова дентал - екип

Dental services

Meet the Team

Д-р Вера Давидова - стоматолог, гр. София, кв. Лозенец

Dr. Davidova is a Certified Master of Dental Medicine, having received her certificate in 2003 from the Medical University in Sofia. She has been working for more than 5 years in one of the best dental clinics in Sofia and thus has gained important professional experiences in general dental medicine.

Dr. Davidova has interests in all aspects of dentistry, with particular emphasis on recreational, aesthetic and childen dentistry. In order to provide to her patients a high standard of dental care and a wide range of dental services, Dr. Davidova is continuously developing further her professional skills through various educational courses, conferences and seminars, in order to be able to guarantee optimal dental care for adults and children.

She is a member of the Bulgarian Dental Association.

Милена Чубурова - стоматологичен асистент, гр. София, кв. Лозенец

Milena has over 25 years experience as a dental assistant. She is a perfectly trained, qualified and experienced dental nurse with highly professional, but at the same time very friendly approach to the patients.

She is in the possession of excellent communication skills and thus manages to gain our patients’ confidence and to create a relaxing atmosphere in the dental practice. Milena is familiar with the latest tools and technologies in dentistry.

She has worked as a nurse in some of the biggest hospitals in Sofia and has acquired rich experience in dealing with emergencies.

I have been a patient of Dr. Davidova for 2 years, and it has been a great experience. She is very knowledgeable, skilled and thorough. The good doctor has patience,empathy and a charming personality, through which she has gained my confidence, trust and admiration. My teeth have never been cared for so well. I highly recommend Dr. Davidova to anyone seeking superior quality dental care.

Tom Colon

Не вярвах, че ходенето на зъболекар може да бъде приятно! Още по-малко допусках, че то може да бъде очаквано с нетърпение! Така се чувствам, когато ми предстои посещение при д-р Давидова. Нейната грижа, внимание и професионализъм правят престоя ми в зъболекарския кабинет приятен и отпускащ. Впечатлена съм от качеството на предоставяните услуги, както и от непрестанния стремеж на екипа да се развива и обучава.

Нели Насева

Dear Dr Vera Davidova, it has been a pleasure for many years to use your dental practice for me and my wife for our dental care.We are very pleased with the quality of the various treatment we had to undergo in the past years and we recommend your quality and professionalism together with uour assistent also to others who are looking for quality dental care in Sofia Particularly you can put your clients at ease which was very important for my wife.

Gerard Linssen
Retired mngr Xerox Production Engineering

Д-р Вера Давидова е наш семеен стоматолог от близо 10 години.Тя използва най-новите технологии в областта на стоматологията и децата не се страхуват,когато трябва да отидат на зъболекар при нея. Обръща внимание не само на здравината на зъбите, но и на естетичния им вид.

Ели Статкова

Latest articles

Bleeding gums during pregnancy


Similarly to the transformations that future mothers’ body undergoes, changes also occur in the oral cavity. Therefore, maintaining good teeth and gum health before, during and after pregnancy is crutial.

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Bleeding gums during pregnancy

Dental treatment during pregnancy


Many women are worried about visiting a dentist during pregnancy. Usually, they turn to their GP, a gynecologist, do a lot of medical tests, but a few of them turn to a dentist.

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Dental treatment during pregnancy

Dental x-rays, antibiotics and local anesthetics during pregnancy


The use of additional medical tests and medications during pregnancy should be justified and with a minimal risk for both mother and fetus

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Dental x-rays, antibiotics and local anesthetics during pregnancy

Useful foods and calcium for healthy teeth during pregnancy


During pregnancy, a varied and balanced diet is essential for the development of the fetus and the health of the future mother

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Useful foods and calcium for healthy teeth during pregnancy

How to help the child during teeth eruption?


Deciduous teeth begin to erupt at about six months of age, and when the child is 24 to 30 months old, it must have 20 teeth - 10 in the upper and 10 in the lower jaw.

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How to help the child during teeth eruption?

How to turn a child's tooth brushing into fun for it?


Turn tooth brushing into fun for the child.

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How to turn a child's tooth brushing into fun for it?

Contact Us


София, кв. Лозенец,
ул. Голо Бърдо №6A,
офис 2, звънец 18, партер


+359 887 705 324


Open Hours

Monday: 13:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 8:30 - 14:30
Wednesday: 13:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 8:30 - 14:30
Friday: 13:00 - 19:00

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