Treatment of caries

Treatment of caries

Caries is one of the most common health problems in the world and affects children, teenagers and adults. It is associated with the destruction of the outer surface of the tooth - the enamel and / or the underlying dentine. Caries formation is a prolonged process that can be stopped at early stages of its development. Then the process is reversible and has the potential to restore the tooth surface and prevent further development.

How do caries form?

However, if the process of demineralization continues, it reaches the next layer of tooth - dentin, which is less mineralized and less resistant than enamel. A cavity is formed and the only way to restore the tooth is to put obturation (filling).

Symptoms of a caries

How is caries treated?

The treatment of caries depends on how advanced it is and the particular clinical situation. Treatment options for caries include:


Obturations (fillings)

In our practice we restore the correct shape, function and aesthetics of teeth using the latest generation of photopolymeric and ceramic fillings that are standard in modern dentistry.

Root-canal treatment

The development of caries in depth continues the destruction of hard tooth structures and the process reaches the most inner part of the tooth - the pulp. Microorganisms and their toxins damage it and this requires root-canal treatment.

Dental implant, bridge or prosthesis

The untreated caries eventually destroys the entire tooth and may result in extraction. Missing tooth is replaced with a dental implant, bridge or prosthesis.