The early decay is reversible. Without a drill. Without fear.

The early decay is reversible. Without a drill. Without fear.

The early decay is reversible. Without a drill. Without fear.
The treatment of the caries depends on its progress. Do you know that if the caries is discovered early enough, it could be reversible? The damage could be removed without a drill, which is a source of anxiety and fear for everyone. This a good reason for your regular visits by the dentist.

Demineralization - remineralization


It is known that the fluoride consolidates the tooth's enamel and makes the teeth more resistible. The professional local applications of fluoride-containing gels, liquids and lacquers helps the repairnment of the teeth’s enamel. It is done by the dentist and does not hold any risks. It takes few minutes, as the products, that contain fluoride are applied on the teeth.

Products that contain hydroxyapatitus

The new achievements are aimed to products that contain hydroxyapatitus, which is the main content of the natural tooth enamel. There are various forms as toothpastes, mouthwashes, and products, intended for use by a dentist.

In this earliest stage of the decay it is you who have the key role.

The excellent oral hygiene, the proper diet and remineralization products, the stimulation of the saliva secretion and by following of your dentist’s advices, you create more pleasant environment for remineralization. So with your own actions you contribute for avoiding the tooth decay.

If there is already a cavity in the tooth, the dentist will remove the damaged, decayed tissue and will restore the tooth. The earlier the decay is treated, the smaller it is, as well as the risk of complications.


Due to the modern technologies the shape, the function and the color of the teeth could be restored with different materials – composite, ceramic, zirconium or the combination between metal and ceramics. Depending on the size of the destruction, the dentist could directly restore the tooth in one visitation. The indirect restoration is done by a dental technician in a lab and require a second visitation, in which it is cemented in the mouth. It could include parts of the tooth or the whole of it.

Untreated decay

If the decay progresses, it reaches the pulp and the root treatment is the firs stage before the restoration of the tooth. The untreated decay finally destroys the whole tooth and could result its extraction. Then the dental implant, bridges or dentures are the next step.