Good oral hygiene against bad breath
Bad breath is a common problem, which could influence your confidence. It is no surprise, that the market shelves are full of chewing gums, mint dragees and other products, that fight the problem. However they are temporary precautions, thus they do not eliminate the reason for the problem.
Poor oral hygiene
The most common cause of bad breath is the poor oral hygiene.
- For preserving your breath fresh, wash your teeth at least twice a day.
- Use a suitable for you tooth paste and mouthwash. With a dental floss or an inter-dental brush remove the food, remained between the teeth at least once a day.
- Clean the rough surface of the tongue with a tooth brush or tongue scraper. In this way you remove the bacteria, food remains and dead cells, that cause bad breath.
- Chewing sugar free gum stimulates the saliva secretion and cleans the food from the teeth, but does not substitute the proper oral hygiene.
The maintenance of a good oral hygiene, the treatment of the gum diseases and decays and the removal of the calculus twice a year are significantly important.
If despite of your oral hygiene improvement, your bad breath persists, visit your dentist. One of the most common reasons for a permanent bad breath, which is often neglected, is the lack of regular visitations in the dental office. The maintenance of a good oral hygiene, the treatment of the gum diseases and decays and the removal of the calculus twice a year are significantly important.
Food and drinks
Food and drinks, which you consume, influence your breath. Products with strong smell such as onion and garlic, some cheeses, fish and hot spices, as well as the coffee and alcohol can cause temporary bad breath. The only way to fight the problem is to avoid their consumption, especially before social or professional meetings. Good oral hygiene could also help.
Most non-smokers could recognize a smoker by his breath. Moreover, cigarettes stain the teeth and change the taste. The risk of gum and oral mucosa diseases increases for the smokers. To prevent these issues, better stop smoking.
The protein diets and low carbohydrate diets for sure will reduce your waist size, but could also change your breath. They cause a condition called ketosis in which your body burns the fats, but your breath remains acetonic.
Bad breath
Most of the people have bad breath in the morning. That is because of the less saliva, which is secreted at night. The problem is over, when the saliva stream increases soon after the beginning of the breakfast.
Other diseases
If despite of the good oral hygiene, the regular dental visitations and the exclusion of the rest of the factors, you still have unpleasant breath, you should consult your global practitioner. Bad breath may sometimes signalize for respiratory infections, bronchitis, sinusitis, diabetes, liver disease or digestive system, reflux etc.
The oral dryness and the bad breath, caused by the reduced saliva quantity, could be possibly a sign of dehydration or a side effect of some medicines, a symptom of some diseases of the salivary glands, after radiotherapy etc.