Help! Sensitive teeth!
Tooth sensitivity affects more than a half of the population. It is a temporary discomfort or pain provoked by cold and hot drinks, food and air pressure, of sweet and sour.
Which are the main reasons for the stripping of the dentine
- Improper brushing and / or using a brush with very hard bristles. About 50% -90% of people are pushing too hard when the brush their teeth. This damages the enamel of the teeth or receds gums (gingival recession), uncovers the dentin and causes tooth sensitivity.
- Use of whitening toothpaste
- Regular consumption of sour foods and drinks such as lemon and citrus fruits and juices, fizzy drinks, tomatoes, pickles, etc. which causes erosion of the enamel and dentin stripping.
- Fractures of enamel, in which the dentin uncovers.
- Recession (withdrawal) of the gum
- Gum disease
- Teeth whitening. Usually after bleaching increased sensitivity of the teeth is observed and it disappears after 24-48 hours.
- Clenching teeth. This leads to thinning and chipping of enamel and dentin stripping.
- Caries
- After a routine dental procedures such as scaling, placing restorations (fillings), crowns and more. All of these might lead to short-term sensitivity of teeth.
What could I do in order to prevent the emergence of sensitive teeth?
- Maintain good oral hygiene. Use proper techniques for cleaning and flossing.
- Avoid placing too much toothpaste or recurrent application in the middle of brushing.
- Use a medium hardness toothbrush. This will result in less abrasion of the tooth surface and less irritation to the gums.
- Use toothpaste that reduces tooth sensitivity. With regular use, twice a day for 2-4 weeks, you will notice that the pain decreases. You may need to try several different brands to find the product that works best for you.
- Avoid brushing your teeth immediately after ingestion of acidic foods and drinks (or after receipt of the gastric juice in the mouth). It is better to rinse your mouth with water, wait 2-3 hours, and then brush your teeth.
- Be careful what you eat. Avoid consuming fizzy drinks and foods containing acids to reduce the risk of enamel erosion. It is advisable to reduce the intake of very hot or cold foods and beverages, which in contact with the exposed dentin cause pain.
- Avoid clenching teeth. Use splints against clenching your teeth at night.
- Visit your dentist twice a year.
What can the dentist do to reduce the teeth’s sensitivity?
The most important step is to determine the cause of dentinal hypersensitivity and to eliminate it. Depending on this they may be used:
- Fluoride application on the sensitive areas.
- Local application of desensitizing agents.
- Placing obturations (fillings) in the damaged areas.
- The production of a tray, against teeth clenching (mouthguard), which should be worn at night.
- If hipersensitivity is due to bulimia, it is desirable to be controlled before the treatment of the teeth